ODORO was founded by Gert De Bruyn in 2017. Gert has over 20 years of experience in helping businesses to control their odour emissions. He has assisted many SMEs and multinationals in a large number of sectors and activities.
Since 2011, Gert has supplemented his odour expertise with specific knowledge and experience in sustainable economic and ecological business management. This unique combination enables him to support companies with their odour emissions in a cost-efficient manner. The needs of the client and surroundings are always central to this approach.
We strongly believe in co-operation, both with the internal specialists of your business and with our partners in order to give you the best possible added value.
An odour problem or odour emissions situation is always different and depends on various local and company-specific factors. Initially, we are most willing to visit you with no obligation for an exploratory conversation, so that we can meet your request adequately. Subsequently, we will make you an offer. Where applicable, this will as far as possible be made through a step-by-step approach. In this way, we can still respond efficiently to the needs and findings of the project.
Contact us for more info and we’ll be happy to help you.