Odour Care System and Odour Management Plan

Any business activity is bound by the general duty ‘to act carefully and wisely’.

For activities which could cause potential odour nuisance, the use of an odour care system is one way of implementing the duty of care. This relates to risk management, awareness, and communication. The framework for setting up an odour care system has been drawn up by the Flemish government. We can help you to build up and follow-up an odour care system totally tailored to your business.

An odour management plan goes one step further than an odour care system. An odour management plan is deployed to bring an existing odour problem under control or where odour problems can be expected as a result of new or different operating activities. The Flemish government has also developed a framework for setting up an odour management plan with the various aspects which such a plan has to cover. Basically, four parts can be distinguished, namely a descriptive part about the odour emissions, an assessment of the odour emissions and impact, an overview of the measures to be taken, and a part for the follow-up.

We can make an appropriate odour management plan tailored to the needs of your business and the surroundings. Some of the basic methods for this are described in the section Odour Assessment and Advice.

If the implementation of an odour care system or management plan is imposed by the competent authority, we will, of course, ensure that this always complies with the set requirements and expectations. We build this together with you, in proper consultation and understanding with the competent authority. We always approach the whole project with an open and pragmatic mind in order to arrive at the best possible solution for both the company and the surroundings.

How can Odoro help you?

Contact us for more info and we’ll be happy to help you.